Bacteria on restaurant menus

Bacteria on restaurant menus

  • Bacteria on restaurant menus

According to a study by the Basque Culinary Center, restaurant menu cards, which are made of plastic and paper, contain bacteria such as E. coli and S. aureus due to the lack of hygiene by staff and customers. And not just in the cards. On silverware, cutting boards, and kitchen towels, too. Unfortunately, the letters are not included in the cleaning protocols even though they are handled daily by many people.

According to research, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus have been detected in restaurant menus. The first is capable of surviving more than 12 hours and the second up to 24 hours. These microorganisms can transfer from the cards to the fingertips for more than 24 hours. And it is that a cross contamination is created between customers and waiters since both use their hands for everything.

According to experts, paper would have a much lower bacterial contamination than plastic. Specialists assure that bacteria such as E. coli can survive in both types of materials, but bacterial growth is significantly reduced on paper after two hours, compared to plastic, where the bacteria grow up to six hours.

One of the reasons that would explain this would be that paper absorbs more water and its activity is diminished; something that does not happen with plastic, since it is unable to absorb it and it would remain on the surface, which would favor bacterial growth.

Another advantage of the paper, according to the experts, is the presence of ink, since this would also reduce the growth of bacteria through the reduction of bacterial adherence to the substrate. It should also be noted that menus made with paper are replaced more regularly because more accumulated dirt is visible. Therefore, the option of paper as the most hygienic alternative would be clear.

Given this interesting research, the owners of bars and restaurants should choose to renew their menus and prepare them on paper, and those who already have them, Congratulations! We, as customers, should have the good and hygienic habit of washing our hands before and after eating, thus we get rid of bacteria even if the cards are invaded by them. Let's not forget that even in the most luxurious restaurant, you can grow many colonies.


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