Nails: common problems and treatments

  • Nails: common problems and treatments

The nails are horny and hard plates that protect the tips of the fingers as they are very sensitive. They are made of calcium and 150 layers of keratin that together form the nail plate. Its growth depends on the person, the time of year, the age, the finger or if we practice a sport.
There are several nail problems that affect them and we often choose to paint them, especially women, with fashionable colors and that is not the solution. Don't hide what affects your fingernails and toenails anymore, learn about the most frequent problems with their respective most used treatments and, also learn about totally different ones.

1. Onychomycosis
Also known as nail fungus or ringworm of the nails. It is an infection caused by fungi that turn them yellowish or with white spots, deformed, weak and that over time, the nail separates from the finger. Generally, mycosis occurs in the largest toenail, especially in older men, but it can affect anyone, including the fingernails. In women, the fungus occurs more on the fingernails. Prompt treatment must be started to prevent the problem from becoming chronic.
Current treatment: Doctors may prescribe antifungals by mouth or perform a deep cleaning (stripping) with dressings impregnated with substances to soften the nail and eliminate the fungus.

2. Ingrown toenails
Wearing shoes that are too narrow at the ends, cutting them too short, or having them too curved can cause the lateral edges of the nails to dig into the skin, causing pain and infection. It affects 5% of the population with more presence in men than in women.
Wearing comfortable shoes and soaking your feet in warm water can prevent this problem.
Current treatment: If the nail has become deeply buried, a small surgical intervention is required and the partial removal of the nail accompanied by the intake of antibiotics to reduce inflammation and prevent infection.

3. Brittle nails
The lack of calcium leads to the nails breaking easily or opening in layers, it is also known as weak nails, generally affecting women.
Current treatment: calcium intake or the doctor may order a blood test in severe cases of frailty.



4. Dry nails
If they don't shine and look dull, they are dehydrated. People decide to use conventional oils and creams, 'those of a lifetime' with the faith that it will hydrate them.


5. Yellow nails
The use of poor quality enamels, lack of nutrients, the abuse of vitamin A consumption, smoking, among other factors, can produce a yellowish tone in the nails. It is important that the use of specific products for the hands are of quality.
Current treatment: Intake of B vitamins, especially biotin or B7.

6. Black nails
The nails of the feet due to stepping badly, blows, or wearing tight shoes, can be affected by a dark tone, a blood clot forms under it, affecting the entire nail or only a part of it. Correcting the above, no treatment will be required. However, if the nail is still black and painful, a professional can make a hole and remove pieces of dried blood. If there is pain, medications will be prescribed, otherwise, no.

7. Uneven or wavy nails
It can be caused by biting your nails, filing them poorly, or using artificial nails. The waves disappear with the natural growth of the nail. You can go to a professional to sand them or do it yourself as well as keep them hydrated by applying specific nail creams or oils.

In addition to the above problems, there are others related to some type of disease and that require medical attention. Meet some of them: clubbing, spoon nails, Terry nails, nails with Beau Lines.


It is the different method that you can start to heal and protect your nails. Hydration is essential to keep them healthy, whether they are hands or feet. That is why we have created an innovative and ecological product, the Nail Care Brush with ozonized oil that you can use just like nail polish, nail by nail. Strengthens and regenerates weak and brittle nails due to its high concentration of Ozone, it is rich in omega 6, omega 3, vitamins A, D and E that help:
Regenerate: stimulates microcirculation bringing nutrients and oxygen to the nail damaged by onychomycosis.
Hydrate: Yes, and a lot! You will notice how they recover vitality, it will be a before and after. The oil is transparent, absorbs very quickly and does not stain clothes.
Eliminate bacteria: It is antimicrobial, it eliminates fungi and bacteria present in nails due to its high content of ozonides and peroxides that break the DNA chain without the possibility of infection or contagion.
You can apply it after a manicure or pedicure without the use of nail polish, the nails must be allowed to breathe, they need to be oxygenated, they need to rest from the nail polish.

Don't forget also:

Use quality products
Nail polish, nail polish remover, nail base, hand cream, in short, everything that comes into contact with them, avoid them being aggressive and containing acetone, use better organic cosmetics, natural cosmetics, natural products. The chemicals that many of them contain, damage the nails, dry them, turn yellow, make it easier for them to split easily.

Eat and sleep well

Foods such as salmon, nuts, avocados and moderate consumption of olive oil will help strengthen nails. Stress and fatigue do not help at all to achieve healthy nails.


Use of gloves
At home or in your workplace, if necessary, wear gloves, your hands will be protected from cold, water, chemical products and will help you to carry out your daily tasks in a healthy way.
As you can see, it is possible to have perfect nails in an ecological, economical and quality way.


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