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OZONO EUROPA 2050, S.L is a company specialized in the design, manufacture and distribution of cosmetic products, which has managed to consolidate itself in the last decade as a leading company in the ozone cosmetic sector. We maintain the highest level of quality in the provision of our services, and for this we have implemented a Quality Management System and Good Practices, based on the UNE EN ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE EN ISO 22716: 2008 Standards, governed by the following commitments:


The main commitment is Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Improvement. In this sense, the requirements specified by it will be strictly met and all activities will be carried out in compliance with the applicable legal regulations.

  • Maintain permanent contact with Clients, collaborating jointly in improving the final result and evaluating their level of satisfaction.
  • Ensure that the Quality Policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the Company, and that documentary evidence of its compliance is left.
  • Encourage the commitment of the Management in the entire Quality Management System.
  • Train, motivate and involve all staff in the development of the Quality Management System implemented, enhancing their teamwork attitude.
  • The necessary resources, both human and material, will be provided for the correct operation of the Management System, ensuring quality and good manufacturing practices.

Objectives and goals consistent with this Quality Policy will be established and reviewed periodically and their compliance will be analyzed to promote the necessary improvements and correct possible deviations.

The OZONO EUROPA Management delegates to the Quality Manager, the implementation and verification of compliance with the Quality Management System, for which, he has the necessary authority and independence within the organization of the Company. The Directorate will make available the necessary resources to achieve the established objectives.

In Arcos de la Frontera, Cádiz, April 23, 2021