Avoid hand fungus

  • Avoid hand fungus

As in the feet, the hands can be affected by fungi that cause onychomycosis, a condition that is also known as the nail ring worm (tinea unguium). If we notice that the nails become thicker than normal, change color (yellowish), split easily or change shape, you may have fungus, avoid as much as possible not putting your hands in your mouth as you would be enlarging the problem infecting her as well.

Some hygiene measures can prevent the health and well-being of your hands from being affected:

1. Dry well between fingers after washing.

2. Always keep your nails short and clean.

3. Make sure that the manicure implements are disinfected, these are aspects that you must take into account to avoid fungi.

4. Wash your hands with water and natural soap after coughing, sneezing, touching objects or having contact with the hand / s of another person / s.

By not putting the above into practice, we will be creating an ideal environment for the formation of fungi and bacteria, these microorganisms like humidity and heat.

Cleaning nails is an easy task. If you have them long, it is the best you can do because inside it is where more bacteria and dirt accumulate. Moisten your hands, rub them with ozone soap and with the help of a nail cleaning brush or a new, unused toothbrush, scrub them inside with horizontal and vertical movements, do the same on the cuticles. Rinse them, dry them very well and apply hand cream or ecological antibacterial hand cream, so that the cleaning and disinfection treatment is more effective and nail fungus does not reappear. It is important that you control the growth of these and that you get a manicure in conditions to avoid fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Remember that hands are our reason for being and ozone in these cases is very effective (more than bleach), it is the number one enemy of parasites, mold, germs, viruses. It will keep them protected, soft, smooth, hydrated and you will have the conviction that you are contributing to the NO spread of pollutants that cause viral pandemics that go around the world like the coronavirus.


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