How to remove cracked heels without toxicity

  • How to remove cracked heels without toxicity

The extreme dryness of the heels due to dehydration, cold, overweight and / or the accumulation of hardness in the feet, can cause cracks in the heels, taking into account that this area of ​​our body is thicker than the rest , therefore, it does not fulfill its moisturizing function due to lack of elasticity. If these cracks are not treated, they can cause pain and bleeding.

A good diet, wearing shoes with flexible soles and applying foot cream every night are habits that can help us avoid cracks in the heels. In severe cases, we recommend putting on enough Ozone D'or Foot Cream daily and covering them with a film every night and removing it the next morning.

During the summer, the feet are the most exposed to the sun, chlorine in swimming pools, salt from the beach, dryness due to the use of flip-flops and all kinds of footwear with bare heels, compelling reasons for the protection of those who bear our weight throughout life, be extreme:

✅ Wash your feet with drinking water after each swim at the beach or pool to remove traces of chlorine and salt.

✅ At home, wash them with Ozone D’or Soap, dry them well and apply moisturizer.

✅ Avoid walks during the hours of greatest solar radiation, from 12 to 16 hours.

✅ Drink plenty of water to hydrate the skin.

Benefits of Ozone D’or Foot Cream

The large amount of extra virgin olive oil it contains makes it suitable for hydrating deeply cracked heels with very little amount. Likewise, the NO presence of toxic ingredients instead of ecological raw material, act on the adipose cells present in the skin of the foot, creating barriers to microorganisms to prevent their passage and thus avoid cracks in the feet. These fat cells make the skin thicker and stronger, they are what protect the feet from friction when walking. If you want to know what those toxic ingredients are, in this link you have all the information.

It absorbs fast. After applying it, you can put on your shoes and in winter, you put on your socks without problem.

Good value for money. It fits all pockets and you will start to see the results in no time.

In conclusion, we must be grateful for our feet, they bear weight, the calamities of time, the material of our shoes (not so good sometimes), in short. We owe it to them to be there, in that place where you are reading this post.


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