Spots on the skin of the face

  • Spots on the skin of the face

The spots on the face appear for various reasons such as age, the intake of certain medications, those produced by the sun, hormonal changes during pregnancy or genetic factors. Regarding age, these manifest themselves after approximately 40 years of age, but our expert in Dermocosmetics recommends that women begin the routine of applying cream for blemishes from the age of 30.

The spots on the forehead, spots on the cheeks, spots on the neckline and chin, are the most affected areas and of the aforementioned causes, abusing the sun without protection occupies the number one position. It is believed that during the summer, the sun's rays affect the skin more than in other seasons of the year, which is false; in winter it also wreaks havoc, so it is best to always wear sunscreen and face creams.

Most common types of spots on the face

Dark spots on the face: appear on the cheeks and forehead during pregnancy or menopause. Exposing yourself to the sun makes them more visible.

Stains caused by the sun: brown and white skin are the most disadvantaged and appear when no cosmetic that protects from UV rays is applied.

Stains caused by acne: when the pimples are popped with the nails and the pimples are touched, it is difficult not to leave marks on the skin, hence the importance of not touching them and forgetting about them.

How to avoid blemishes on the face
The challenge is to prevent them, it is useless to start treatments if they are not going to continue later. Stains caused by too much sun and the passage of age are easier to remove and prevent by applying daily moisturizer to the face, neck and décolleté. However, try as much as possible to do the following for the most effective results:

If you smoke, find some motivation to quit for good.

Eat more fruits and vegetables than sweets.

In summer, wear hats and glasses to protect you from the sun.

Very similar to acne, the spots on the face affect psychologically and socially men and women who suffer from it, lowering their self-esteem and adopting in them shyness, insecurity, fear of rejection in society. Prevention from a very young age is essential to delay the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes, if we hydrate the skin more and better results are achieved than when we decide to take care of it at an advanced age and more damaged.


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