✓ Ozone Day Cream

Brand: 4,55 € (Gratis a partir de 31 €) 24 H.
Product Code: GMB-DOR-054
Availability: In Stock

Take care of your skin and protect it safely, with ozone O.

  • Delays the aging of cells by providing millions of oxygen molecules.
  • Smooth and silky skin.
  • An explosion of light.
  • Returns your skin its elasticity by generating collagen and elastin.

50 gr | Sustainable glass container | Lotus flower smell | Suitable for sensitive or atopic skin | 100% Natural and BIO


If you do not get results, even if you finish the product, we will refund your money. Up to 4 months

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Take care of your skin and protect it safely, with ozone O.

  • Delays the aging of cells by providing millions of oxygen molecules.
  • Smooth and silky skin.
  • An explosion of light.
  • Returns your skin its elasticity by generating collagen and elastin.

50 gr | Sustainable glass container | Lotus flower smell | Suitable for sensitive or atopic skin | 100% Natural and BIO


If you do not get results, even if you finish the product, we will refund your money. Up to 4 months


1. Anti-aging / Regenerating

Contributes to tissue repair, delaying the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines.

2. Deep hydration

Prevents skin dryness due to its high content of ozonated ECO Extra Virgin Olive Oil with rapid adsorption. Useful for dry and irritated skin.

3. Antioxidant

Protects from cell damage and controls tissue inflammation.

4. Revitalizes the skin.

Millions of oxygen molecules energize skin cells and protect them.

5. Elasticity

Stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and other protein molecules responsible for giving elasticity and protecting the skin.

6. Anti-pollution

The O₃ helps shrink pores. It makes the skin more permeable to pollution microparticles, preventing them from penetrating the body and affecting the skin.

7. Depigmenting

Eliminates facial blemishes due to its high content of ozonides.


  Results of  clinical studies.


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Free shipping from
31 € and over 24h


Free shipping from
31 € and over 24h
Programme of

Ozono D'or day cream, It is the best ally to eliminate wrinkles on the neck and face, by stimulating the natural production of collagen, elastin and other protein molecules. It restores the skin's lost elasticity, revitalizes it and restores its ideal internal structure, delaying the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes on the face..

Its main component is:

Ozonated organic certified extra virgin olive oil: it has a high moisturizing power, and creates an occlusive layer that prevents water loss, which helps our skin maintain its elasticity and its "barrier" function. It has antioxidant capacity, and prevents irritation of the skin and mucosa. Activates 2-3 DPG, which is an organic molecule that acts on mechanisms related to blood circulation and, consequently, improves the fluidity of microcirculation and cellular metabolism of oxygen, thus the skin is more oxygenated and maintains healthy and revitalized. It helps in the repair of wounds and guarantees us a healthy future.

The union of ozone and olive oil, commonly called "liquid gold" for being one of the natural substances with the greatest beneficial properties for our health and beauty. On the other hand, ozone is a unique agent that preserves and restores the natural condition of the skin, it does not mask its defects, but normalizes its natural functions and stimulates its own regeneration processes.



Ingredients: Aqua, Ozonized Olea europaea oil, Cocos nucifera oil, Butyrospermum parkii, Cetearyl alcohol, Cetearyl glucoside, Glycerin, Vitis vinífera seed oil, Parfum, Cetyl ester wax, Lavanda officialis oil, Cymbopogon Martíni herb oil, Xanthan Gum.


  Results of clinical studies.


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Ángela S. em 11/12/2024
Estoy utilizando la crema de día y desde el primer momento he notado la piel más jugosa e hidratada. No deja la piel grasa. El champú he observado que está indicado para el cuero cabelludo, que es desde allí dónde actúa oxigenando. Es importante aclararse el pelo muy muy bien. La pasta de dientes ha sido algo muy novedoso para mí, te deja sensación de limpieza pero sin la clásica sensación de frescor de otras pastas con flúor. La crema de manos que me regalaron con el primer pedido es buenísima, la utilizo por la noche, no tiene un olor agradable pero para mí lo importante es que me nutra la piel no que me la perfume.
Ricardo em 05/12/2024
Magnifica la crema de día en nuestra casa la usamos toda la familia con la particularidad de que cada uno tenemos por estudios un tipo de piel
Alejandro em 11/11/2024
la crema de día deja la piel muy bien
Esther Fabra em 09/09/2024
Agradable aroma y textura.
Ana Saracho em 02/09/2024
Muy buen producto la crema de la cara